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Drenalimp 排水易 (250毫升)
第一式 - 去水排毒



產品特點 :
•    排水,適合針對擊退水腫型肥胖
•    保持體內細胞水份平衡
•    改善面部及四肢浮腫
•    淨肌排毒,纖形減重第一步


適合對象 :
•    準備開始瘦身
•    四肢浮腫、眼腫腫人士
•    飲食較濃味、鹽分較高、多醬汁人士

Drenalimp  (250 ml)

Drenalimp is a food supplement based on herbal plants with digestive, carminative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and hepatoprotective properties. It contributes to elimination of toxins and to purification of the organism.ension.


Product Features:

  • Flush out excess water, reduce water weight
  • Maintain water balance inside the body
  • Firming facial contour and puffy limbs
  • Tighten and tone your figure
  • Reduce toxins and beautify skin

    Suitable For:

    Adjuvant in purifying cures, obesity and overweight treatment

    排水易 Drenalimp

    庫存單位: SNS02006
    • 主要成分 :

      洋薊 - 促進膽汁合成,幫助消化

      蒲公英 - 利尿、淨化血液

      香蜂草 - 促進腸蠕動,通便

      羅馬洋甘菊 - 利尿


      Active Ingredients :

      Concentrated infusion of Artichoke*, Dandelion*, Lemon Balm*and Roman Chamomile*. Sweetener (Sorbitol*), Water*, Orange flavoring, Acidity regulator (Citric acid).
      *From natural source

    • 服用方法 : (產品內附送刻度量杯,使用前先搖勻。)



      之後如有需要,例如女士月經期前幾天或月經期間,如有些水腫問題可服用幾天「排水易」。/ 如飲食比較濃味、鹽分較高、多醬汁等的日子,亦可服用幾天「排水易」有助排走毒素和多餘水份。

      注意事項 :

      • 在懷孕及哺乳期,不建議使用
      • 如對其中成份有過敏,不宜使用
      • 過量使用可能引起腹瀉
      • 如身體水份過多/ 腸道毒素較多,有機會使便量次數增多


      *測試由資深營養師Arlene-frances Wu伍雅芬小姐主理,15個參加者於6星期內,在無須特別運動和改善飲食情況下,配以食用西班牙Soria Natural草本瘦身保健品,超過90%參加者成功減肥,最佳成績減15磅,最強減腰5吋。



      Direction :

      Shake before use. Take 10 ml in the morning and 10 ml in mid-day with a large glass of water, or dissolve 20 ml in 1L of water and finish drinking it before noon.


      Not recommend during pregnancy and breast feeding or in case of allergy to any of its components. Excessive consumption may produce laxative effects.



      This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.

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