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加立膚蜂蠟草本萬用軟膏 (40克)



產品特點 :
•    有效舒緩皮膚炎症,濕疹
•    抗菌,保護皮膚以防感染
•    強效滋潤皮膚
•    天然草本成分,安全可靠
•    可作多用途使用
•    不含類固醇,羊毛脂
•    可替代多副作用的類固醇藥膏

適合對象 :
•    適用於12歲以上兒童及成人
•    敏感肌膚
•    乾燥皮膚
•    受損肌膚


禁忌: 不適用於懷孕和哺乳婦女


Gualavit Ointment's excluisive formula of Sunflower,Propolis wax, Benzoin and marigold which has been used in Spain Midi-Pyrénées for centuries to treat eczema and skin disorders.

It is a safe, effective treatment for relieving the itch and inflammation from eczema, rashes, dry skin and skin allergies.

Gualavit is a natural alternative to cortisone based medicines.

Product Highlights :

  • Alleviates skin inflammation and eczema
  • Antibacterial, anti-fungal
  • Excellent moistening effect
  • Natural herbs, safe and efficient
  • Multi-purpose usage

Suitable For : 
Adults or children over 12 years old  who have eczema and skin inflammation can use it as hand lotion.


Contraindications: Not recommended for pregnant and lactation women.

加立膚蜂蠟草本萬用軟膏 40克 Gualavit Ointment 40g

庫存單位: SNS04001
  • 主要成分 :
    •    蜂蠟、蜂膠 - 滋潤皮膚、防凍防裂、殺菌消炎、止癢止痛、促進組織再生
    •    葵花籽 - 含植物固醇、卵磷脂、胡蘿蔔素等成分,可以柔軟肌膚、抗老化; 
    •    安息香 - 被譽為古代美容聖品,能使肌膚柔緻充滿光澤,具高度潤澤保濕功效。對龜裂、乾燥皮膚非常有用,能使皮膚恢復彈性
    •    金盞花 - 具消炎功效,能舒緩紅腫、濕疹及痕癢,特別適合幼嫩肌膚
    •    西洋蓍 - 具有抗菌,平衡油性皮膚的功效

    Active Ingredients:
    Seed oil of Sunflower, Resin Extract of Benzoin, Propolis wax, Pot marigold Oil, Extract of Yarrow, Extract of Broadleaf plantain, Extract of Bisnaga.

  • 使用方法 :


    Direction : 
    External use only. Apply several times a day with a gentle massage locally on the affected body parts for easy penetration.

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